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Welcome to MMS
Please spend a few moments on our infographics page and check out the many great illustrations on the Geological, Fossil, and Mineral Kingdoms.
Mineral of the Month
Visit the Mineral of the Month Story: The Mohs hardness scale and how it helps identify minerals.
Geology - Mineralogy -Paleontology - Lapidary
The Michigan Mineralogical Society - MMS - is the premier organization in the state that seeks to educate, promote and further the science and hobby of mineral collecting, as well as an appreciation for fossils and gems. We primarily serve the southeast area of Michigan, but we have followers all over the United States and some in Canada.
Each year, the MMS hosts the largest event of professionals and hobbyists in the Midwest - the Greater Detroit Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show - which features some of the most respected dealers in the country as well as displays from world-famous museums such as the Smithsonian Institution, Royal Ontario Museum and the A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum, the official mineral museum of Michigan.
We hope you take the time to explore this website and decide to join hundreds of your fellow enthusiasts and become a member of the MMS. You'll be glad you did!
American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
Midwest Federation of
Mineralogical & Geological Societies

For the Kid in All of Us!
We added in a new Young Collectors Resources Page for the less seasoned "Miners". You can find it under our Links and Resources tab.

Geo-Earth Sciences

Locations &

Collecting &
Meetings generally take place
on the second Monday evening at the Cranbrook Institute of Science located in Bloomfield Hills Michigan. Doors open at 7:00pm and meetings start at 7:30. Please see our Meetings Page for more information on our speakers, what we are talking about and to see a list of our previous speakers and events.

Evolution & Fossils

Chemistry & Reactions

Cosmic Events

Discoveries & Knowledge
Some of the Things We Meet About & Discuss:

Agate Microphotography by Daniel Metzger
A wide selection of interesting rock and mineral samples can be viewed in this latest video offering.
The Top Fifteen Largest Crystals Ever Found