79th Greater Detroit Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show Advanced Ticket Sales
Read this First please!
Welcome to our online service for booking tickets in advance of the Greater Detroit show in October.
We are so pleased to offer this service to our fans and patrons! Please let us know if you have any problems or concerns with getting your tickets this way. We are always looking for feedback.
Please fill out the form, you will receive an email from our friends at Ticketinghub for you to print out and bring to the door. You will be able to bypass any line there might be at the ticket counter and go right to the entrance to get your ticket form reviewed to gain entrance.
Just select the number of passes you want by age and/or affiliation. One-day tickets are all we can offer this year. We are not accepting two and three-day passes for the 2024 show. You will need to select the date you wish to attend as well for October 11th, 12th, or 13th, on the next screen. We will work with you if you happen to attend on one of the other days the show is open. Then just follow the on-screen prompts to enter your payment information and keep a copy of your tickets.
Remember to bring your ticket (printed or on your smartphone) to the show to get right in!
Show Ticket Transactions handled by Stripe.
Privacy Statement: See our Privacy terms here.
We will never sell your information or keep any financial data in our MMS database. Only ticketinghub's financial partnerships keep any financial data which we cannot access. Your online privacy and safety are of paramount importance to us.
Download a copy of the 79th Annual Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show brochure
for hours and information.