Collecting Websites

Great website for finding all kinds of mineral, elements and related items for sale. Easy to find and well organized, offering auctions and fixed-price sales. With a tag line that reads "Moving mountains for you", how could you go wrong?
Motown Rocks is a collector and retailer of rocks, minerals and fossils that we like. We'll put items up for sale in our store but if they don't sell, it's cool, because we like them! We sell online and at rock shows because we like to collect rocks and we can't control when the collection bug hits us!
The Juggernaut of Collecting sites, eBay has hundreds of dealers from all over the world in its Rocks & Minerals collection auctions. A huge list of Fossils & Jewelry too!
The business that led to this website started small and innocently enough in 1986, when Dr. Robert Lavinsky participated in his first mineral show at the age of 14. With good mentors in the Columbus (Ohio) Rock & Mineral Society, Rob was exposed to the core of the hobby from an early age.
A well-organized site devoted to both fossils and mineral sales. New additions are easily found along with handpicked specimens and the major categories are called out with simple galleries of what you might be interested in purchasing.
Fossils, rocks, and minerals are a reminder of all that is good, worthwhile, and wholesome in the universe. They remind us of the past, and challenge us to create and preserve a positive future for the next generation.
In 1989 Weinirich Minerals, Inc. was created. Since that time, the business has grown to the point where we each month they are selling around 1600 specimens, and shipping around 500 packages to happy customers all over the world.
They offer crystalized minerals, gems, and collectibles (from deer antlers to seashells and fossils) in all price ranges, at affordable prices and we've been in business for 40+ years.
Stone Throne makes fully customized and engraved display stands for minerals, fossils, gems, crystals, memorabilia, collectibles, and more, without charging an arm and a leg.
Nature's Rainbows is a non-commercial web site dedicated to fluorescent minerals, maintained entirely by volunteer hobbyists and contributors.
The team has over 130 years of mineral collecting knowledge between us and with the help of Brandy Cleveland who handles our shipping, we have handled over 50,000 minerals and 10,000 gemstones.
The Original Online Mineral Gallery for Fine Mineral Enthusiasts! We offer a large assortment of top quality mineral, crystal, and rock specimens from around the world in all display sizes. Specimens are presented according to their specific mineral show and placed into updated showrooms.
They specialize in fine European and U.S. classic mineral specimens, worldwide aesthetic minerals, and gem crystals, with over 40 years of experience. They also have a 14 day, no questions asked return period so you should feel confident buying from them.
Gem Collector is the largest online stockist of loose gemstones. Gem Collector is the place for gem enthusiasts, collectors, jewelers and traders to purchase quality, well cut, well-priced stones.
Safira specializes in the purchase and selling of high-quality mineral specimens from all localities of the world. It was founded by DI(FH) Rudolf Watzl who, after some years of experience as a sole trader and joint partner of „Watzl Minerals GmbH“, started his own enterprise in early 2013.
Mineral collectors recognize the Collector’s Edge Minerals, Inc. of Golden, Colorado as one of the world’s premier sources for exquisite, collector-quality mineral specimens.
We guarantee the authenticity of the fossil specimens that we sell. We not only deal with trusted sources but have the knowledge to be able to verify all of the specimens ourselves. Fossil replicas in a separate area of the website and very clearly labeled as replicas.
AN Online Auction site similar to eBay but specifically for gemstones and minerals. Over a million items are sold, and usually around 10,000 live auctions.