Benefits of Membership

We are the Michigan Mineralogical Society, an active, vibrant club that continues to expand our membership and reach out to our communities. Organized by a group of mineral collectors in 1935, we share an interest in furthering the hobby of finding, identifying and preserving gems, minerals and fossils, as well as promoting geology and earth science education. MMS is incorporated as a non-profit educational organization, a 501c3. MMS and its members belong to the American Federation of Mineralogical Society and the Midwest Federation of Mineralogical and Geological Societies.
What Joining MMS Brings to You:
Monthly Meetings
The Michigan Mineralogical Society meets on the second Monday of September through June (except in January and October) at the Cranbrook Institute of Science in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Regular meetings usually consist of a short business meeting and an expert speaker talking on many facets of Mineralogy, Geology, Paleontology, or the Lapidary Arts. The Annual Banquet is held in January, with a time and place to be announced.
In March, there is a Swap Meet where members are encouraged to buy, sell or trade with other members. There is an Annual Auction of many fine specimens donated by dealers, universities, and individuals in November.
Access to our Field Trips
There is nothing quite as exciting for a "Rock Hound" as finding a rock, mineral, or fossil specimen. Field trips for our members are planned in mines, quarries, and other points of interest. In the Great Lakes states and Canada, Hard hats, steel-toed shoes, and safety glasses are generally mandatory.
The Conglomerate Club Newsletter
The MMS publishes a monthly newsletter, The Conglomerate, from September through June. There are articles about the current month's meeting, speaker and presentation information, a summary of the previous meetings, articles for club members, family activities, upcoming club events and trips, and a Calendar of Events. Membership gives you access to years of great articles that we keep archived for you to easily download on the 'Members Only" page. See below for a copy of 'The Conglomerate' newsletter that you can preview for free.
The Greater Detroit Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show
Every year in October, the MMS hosts our flagship event – Michigan's mineralogical event of the year - at the Macomb Community College Sports & Expo Center. It is a significant show which features displays from all over the world. The event attracts thousands of visitors and is the premier event for anyone who enjoys the beauty of gems and minerals, the wonder of fossils & learning about the geological wonders of the world. Families, collectors, educators, & professionals enjoy the presentations and demonstrations offered throughout the weekend. By volunteering at the show, you can gain free access to this prestigious event.
Additional Benefits:
Access to the 'Members Only' page on the website:
Free membership in the American and Midwest Federations.
The MMS Directory with the contact information of all members.
Invitations to our exclusive Banquet and Summer Picnic events.
An MMS ID Card to help obtain discounts on merchandise from some dealers.
Access and Discount on Mine Safety Training.
The ability to enter club contests and win prizes!
Exclusive knowledge of our club auction and charity events.
Easy links to hundreds of outstanding articles from all over the country.
Access to great presentations only offered to MMS. See below for a preview from one of our meetings.
Friendships and comradery with some of the most knowledgeable and interesting collectors anywhere!

Preview Samples of the Club's materials
Free Conglomerate Sample
Please ignore any activity dates or events.
Free Sample Meeting Presentation
Digitizing Your Collection - by Brad Zylman
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