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Join the Michigan Mineralogical Society!

Do you have rocks laying around your living room? Million-year-old bones scattered around the house? Do you brake for outcroppings? If so... you are one of us!
What do you get as part of your MMS membership?
If you attend just one of our monthly meetings on a topic of your interest, the information/education you gained to further your hobby would be well worth the dues you paid. Our group of fun-loving enthusiasts are just like you. No matter what your level of experience you are more than welcome to join - no need to be an expert. We guarantee that by becoming a member of MMS, you will have access to a vast storehouse of topical and relevant information and accessible experts who share your interests.
In addition to monthly meetings, members receive the monthly publication of the “Conglomerate.” You are free to join any MMS field trips and receive priority admittance to all Society functions. You will also gain access to our Members Only library of materials and notifications of online meetings and club events.
By filling out one of our membership forms (online or through the mail), we will quickly set up your membership and get you started as a member of MMS.
On this page, we offer three ways to join or renew the Michigan Mineralogical Society. Please review the whole page and select the section that applies to you.
Online NEW Membership Forms & Payment Section
$26.00 Online

$6.00 Online

Joining is as easy as 1, 2, 3...
Click the "New Membership Online" button to download the New Membership form. Fill out the form electronically (it's a PDF form), save it, and keep it handy to send in.
Next, pay by selecting the yellow "Buy Now" button. Make sure you select the correct button (adult or student rates are different as shown) to pay the correct amount.
Email the completed membership form to michminsociety@yahoo.com.
Please Note: Both the form and payment must to be received in order to successfully process your membership online. Our Treasurer will send you an email receipt once your information is reviewed.
Online Member Renewal Forms & Payment Section
$21.00 Online

$6.00 Online

Three Steps to Renew...
Click the "Membership Renewal" button to download the renewal form. Fill out the Renewel form electronically (It's a PDF form), and keep it handy.
Pay by clicking the yellow "Buy Now" button. Make sure you select the correct button (adult or student rates are different as shown) to pay the correct amount.
Send the electronic form to michminsociety@yahoo.com.
Note: To successfully renew your membership online, both the form and payment must be received. Once your information is processed, our Treasurer will send you an email confirmation.
New Member Application Mail-In Form Section
• Adult Annual dues – $20.00
• Student under age 18 – $5.00
• One time entrance fee – $5.00
Mail the completed form (click icon below) with your DUES to:
John Vitkay
29125 Perth
Livonia, Michigan 48154

Click on the PDF icon to download the
MMS Membership Application Form

This is a simple PDF form for you to print out and mail back to our Membership Chairperson. You can fill it out by hand or electronically in the PDF file. We never sell your personal information to any outside organization.
Click on the Acrobat Reader button to get a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader if you need to install it to use the PDF file.
Trilobite Art Credit: John Benson ©1983